12 September 2014


It is a well-known fact
that riots are complex events,
often triggered
by some minor dispute.

* This blog post was written last year. Peace :) 


Blogger Jim said...

Way back when I was very young I was in what the newspapers called a riot. If so, it was a student riot. After the college football game (I can't remember if we won or not) it seemed that the whole student load of University of Nebraska marched down the street next to Main Street in Lincoln, Nebraska. We went over a mile before heading back to the campus.

At the campus it became one of the famous, and early, panty raids. My memory won't talk any further on this subject. I did think it got me a bad grade but it turned out many years later at my father's funeral that my older cousin had done the ill deed that the teacher blamed me for. Of course I could not get my grade changed to a good one after that length of time had elapsed.

13 September, 2014 13:11  

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