06 July 2015

Please Show Some Compassion

Last Friday a parent came.
Another parent came today.

Didn't you see it coming at all?

You are a mother yourself.

You've your own car.
You stay near your working place.

Which student can afford to take a cab frequently?

They were asked to reach before the public transport 
was fully operational for the day.

They were expected to reach home very late
because you had made reservation for dinner for them.

Some of them are not even 13-year-old yet.
Do you care for their safety and well-being at all? 

Holidays are meant for the students to rest with their families.
Yet, you had lined up many activities for them.

Medical certificates were required if they were absent.

They were required to pay the full course fees
if they were either absent or fail in the tests.

They need to show their travel documents to you
if they were abroad with their families.

Are all these stress and pressure necessary?
The extra activities are supposed to be fun and enriching.

Most probably, you are overly concerned with your own KPI.

Please spare a thought and show some compassion.


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